Monthly Archives: January 2012

Jades in Bloom

Just like most of the country, we have had a variety of weather here in So Calif., this winter. Monday, it was raining and cool (high of 50), today windy and little warmer and Wednesday and Thursday, the highs are supposed to be in the 80’s. When the conditions are right, our jade plants bloom profusely. We drove around today and took several pictures of them at our place and in neighbors’ yards. I remember having small potted versions of these in the house in Indiana and they never bloomed. Nice to have blooming plants in the winter!

Tennis anyone?

Not sure if I have mentioned it before, but both of us love to play tennis. Because of Jim’s bad left foot/ankle and traveling so much, we usually limit our play to 1 – 1 1/2 hours a day. It gives us good exercise and fun with friends and we don’t hurt too badly after. Well, Tuesday, I, Cheryl had a fall that could have been very serious. I guess I got my feet tangled up when I changed directions for a fast shot at the net. Anyway, I fell sideways, hit my hip hard and my head on the surface. I was most scared about the head injury because I had a bump almost immediately, so a friend got ice and I kept it on for 30-40 minutes. The swelling went down and I never had any symptoms of concussion. My hip, actually the upper thigh, is still swollen, however and sore. Amazingly, I have no broken bones and I have full range of motion in that hip and it doesn’t hurt to walk, run, etc. I got back on the tennis court on Friday for only about 40 minutes; a little skittish at first, but it was fun. No more diving for shots for me!! Being 60 years old, broken bones would not be good; but I guess my bone density is pretty good. We got to keep on moving! No pictures attached, don’t think anyone would want to see.

Tasha again

Tasha is really growing and a lot of fun. She comes over to visit with Jon and Maddy quite often and is very playful.
Otherwise we are enjoying some sunshine (ended today); playing tennis and being with friends. We plan to stay in So Calif. for most of January and February and half of March. Jim is investigating Guatemala for a 3 – 4 week visit in March and April. On the last Panama Canal cruise, we stopped one day in this country and visited the colonial city of Antigua. It seemed like a good place to go back to. Will post more as we make our decision.

Welcome to 2012

We are home, since Wed. 1/4/12. Jim is recuperating from sinus infection with cough and taking antibiotics. He had a scary experience today; hard to explain, but while on the freeway, the passenger side window imploded. Really loud sound and don’t know what hit it; gunshot or rock or what? Shatter proof glass all over. Reported with the CHP, and Insurance; will be replaced tomorrow. Really traumatic! I was at home with sick friend. If I had been with him, it might have been worse. He was not harmed, luckily and maintained control of the van. Wow! Will never know what happened. Shit happens!